wasp removal Milton

Wasp control SOLUTIONS BY

wasp removal service Milton


Guaranteed Service


Wasp Removal Milton. If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers wasp free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure mice are gone and our customers are happy. Call The Exterminators Inc. for wasp removal Milton.

pest control milton satisfaction guarantee

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Wasp removal milton solutions by licensed AND INSURED exterminators.

At Pest Control Milton our technicians are licensed by the Ministry of Environment Ontario which ensures that all of the work that is being done by our technicians is being performed accordingly under strict guidelines and rules. This also ensures that you get a high-quality service regardless of the type of infestation you are dealing with. Since exterminating is a high-risk field that consists of many unknowns, our technicians are insured as well against all that can happen during the job. Our technicians have garnered years of experience and continue to do so across Milton to make your home or business much safer.

wasp infestation Milton

It is absolutely not recommended to go and try to remove the wasp nest yourself. A lot of wasps and bees can get agitated when someone is near their nest. They can see the person as a threat and  will do everything in their power to keep the colony safe. People who try and remove the nest themselves do not have the expertise and the tools available to remove the nest safely. The technicians at Wasp Removal Milton underwent rigorous training and have at least multiple years of experience under their belts to quickly and effectively remove the nest without putting anyone in danger. With the help of our special formulations and Personal Protective Equipment we can ensure that the removal of the nest can be done with safety in mind. Misidentifying wasps can carry big consequences as to how likely a wasp is likely to sting you. In certain cases the stings can lead to hospitalization. People who have never been stung by a wasp or bee will not know the extent of their reactions until it is too late. Reactions can vary from person to person. From being mild to very severe. Those symptoms may not even appear 2 or 3 days after being stung. It is for this very reason to be wary of wasp or bee presence. Pets, and especially children are at risk of being stung. Their presence might be perceived as a threat when getting to close to the nest. 

wasp nest removal Milton

Call us today and our licensed and trained professionals will soon be at your doorstep with a guaranteed solution.


Bald-Faced Hornets


The bald-faced hornets can be typically recognized by their black body and their white face. Bald-faced hornets are usually larger in size than yellow jackets, where workers can range from 15 to 20mm. Their activity usually takes place during the day, and their paper nest usually hangs off three branches, overhangs, and soffits. The colony usually starts out in spring when a queen places an egg in each cell as she begins to build her nest. The size of a bald-faced nest can reach the size of a soccer ball in just a span of a few months. During winter, males and workers usually die off, while the fertilized females survive the winter and go into hibernation.

Paper Wasps

paper wasps removal Milton

There are many kinds of paper wasps. Normally, paper wasps are very thin and have slight yellow discoloration on their backs with an all-black body. Their nests are built in combination with organic materials and salvia that has the resemblance of paper. That is where the name paper wasp comes from.

Mud Daubers

Mud Daubers Milton

These wasps differ a lot from all other previously mentioned wasps. Instead of making their nests from a paper-like material, they actually build their nests from a combination of mud. They are longer than paper wasps and are usually 25mm in size. These slender wasps are solitary creatures and are most active during the spring. After the mud nest is completed which is cylindrical in shape, they hunt for insects, such as spiders which they put in every hole of their nest to feed their young with. 

Carpenter Bees


These carpenter bees look a lot like bumblebees. What is so unique about them is that these bees make their nests from digging tube-shaped holes in untreated wood not covered in bark. Their partner feeds on pollen and nectar and returns to their gallery to overwinter for it to emerge next spring. Male carpenter bees are only able to sting, whereas females are the ones who can sting.

Wasps are only able to build and use their nest for one season, after which, all the wasps will die off. New queens will emerge and continue in building their own colony in a completely newly-built nest in the warmer summer months. Until then, these wasps will then hibernate. An interesting fact is that wasp nests never get reused, and that wasp nests never get built close to another wasp colony.

The Exterminators Pest Control Milton

Wasp Removal Milton

Our seasoned team consisting of highly-skilled individuals belong to the most elite exterminators in our industry. We are proud to give back to our community by what we do best. We have helped numerous families and businesses alike across Milton to declare properties wasp-free. We know from tackling cases far and wide in and around Milton how stressful and dangerous it can be to have wasps on your property. We have profound knowledge and the right tools to our disposal to make wasps a thing of an unpleasant past. Every case we get deployed to brings about new challenges, and these challenges should be met with equally effective solutions. This is why the technicians at Wasp Removal Milton are so good at what they do. They threat every infestation as a unique problem that requires problem-solving skills to remove the nest as quickly as possible. We can tackle any wasp infestation regardless of the extent and can bring any infestation to a successful end as we have done for our neighbors across Milton for years and continue to do so up to this day. If you suspect wasp presence, feel free to call us without hesitation and we will walk you through our process.